廠牌 | OSTEOMETER (DTX-200) (雙能DEXA) | Table Type (可能廠牌: Norland、Lunnar、Holigic…) (雙能DEXA) |
X光劑量 | 低 (55kV, 0.3mA; patient dose 0.2 mGy per scan) | 高 |
操作面積 | 1.5 平方公尺 | 20平方公尺(6坪) |
操作容易度 | 簡單、容易,有操作步驟提示,最重要的是掃描測量計算分析起始點與全部計算面積,都是軟體自動偵測定位進行,不費吹灰之力,準確迅速又方便。 | 最重要的是掃描測量計算分析起始點與全部計算面積,都必須人為手工定位而後交給電腦計算分析,人為手工定位難免有誤差,既耗時間又不方便。 |
測量檢查部位 (單純或複雜) |
前臂超遠端(Ultra Distal) 前臂遠端(Distal 8mm) (構造最單純,只有薄薄的一層皮與少許的肌肉,是沒有誤差干擾變數存在的位置) |
主要測量檢查部位部份:脊椎骨(L2、L3、L4)、股骨(大轉子) 澄清誤解:一般稱呼此三種大型品牌的骨質密度儀是whole body,事實上並非如字面上之解釋,可以任意測量全身任何部位或是全身的骨骼都測量。因為不同的骨骼部位有不同的密度存在,要測量的部位必須事先建立正常值的資料庫,測量之後才能進行判讀診斷。(脊椎骨被兩旁的肌肉與前面的各種內臟(胃、腸)軟組織緊緊包圍著,猶如隻身處在叢林中,是誤差干擾變數最多的位置) |
受測者測量前之準備與姿勢角度之要求 | 不須更衣,坐在儀器旁邊只要捲起衣袖,將手臂置於測量的凹槽內,輕輕握住握把即可。當受測者重複測量時,每次都能很容易的擺出相同的姿勢角度。(這是操作者輕鬆、受測者方便的檢查部位) | 受測者要更衣,要上下檢查台,若遇到年老或行動不便者,操作者更要費力扶上扶下,當受測者重複測量時不可能每次都擺出同樣的姿勢角度。(這是操作者費力、耗時間,受測者不方便的檢查部份) |
精 準 度 (Precision) |
最佳精準度,誤差小於1% 理由:由於所選量檢查部位的單純特性(不會變形沒有誤差干擾變數存在),再加上DTX-200絕佳的精密結構與電腦軟體的獨特功能,無論何人操作或是受測者重複測量,DTX-200的電腦軟體都能自動偵測到橈骨尺骨相距0.8cm處。以此點距離定位,向前計算至最遠端及向後計算2.4cm的面積,無論受測者握住握把是緊或鬆,每次都是這個位置不會偏差,除非橈骨尺骨變形扭曲。 |
精準度差,脊椎骨誤差大於3%,股骨誤差大於3%。 理由:脊椎骨其外形凹凸不規則,再加骨剌、脊椎側彎、動脈鈣化、各種內臟、腸胃內未消化的魚骨與各種結石,這些都是影響精準度誤差的干擾變數、非常難以克服,再加上在掃描後操作者再以手動方式移動螢幕上的游標線將L2、L3、L4框住,交給電腦計算分析,由於此位的複雜度不宜以自動定位的方式進行。所以,當不同的操作者可能產生不同的定位角度,若再加上受測者重複測量所擺出的姿勢角度又不一樣時,所測量脊椎的精準度就差多了。 |
早期骨質輕微流失的偵測能力 | 由於精準度最佳,不會有假陽性的高估,所以DTX-200能很正確敏銳的偵測反映出受測者是否有輕微的骨質流失現象,很容易達到早期發現早期治療的檢查目的。 | 由於誤差干擾變數最多,而且又不容易克服,所以測量脊椎部位容易得到假陽性的高估,不容易偵測反映出受測者是否有輕微的骨質流失現象,所以不容易達到早期發現早期治療的檢查目的。 |
動態骨質流失率計算功能 |
有此功能。 只要輸入受測的以生化標示劑檢測所得的數,DTX-200特殊的軟體即能計算出受測者當時體內正在進行中的動態骨質流失速率。一般的骨質密度檢查只是反映出受測者當時存在的骨質密度,是屬於靜態性,無法分辨出受測者是否屬於「快速骨質代謝性骨質疏鬆症」或是「非快速骨質代謝性骨質疏鬆症」,此二種急慢性症狀,將隨著醫藥科技之進步,在治療方法上將有所不同,所以兩者在臨床上都具有同等重要性,兩者兼備是先進或家對骨質疏鬆症的預防測量檢查、診斷治療與療效評估監視之最近發展趨勢。 |
無此功能 |
A Comparison of a Peripheral DXA System with
Conventional Densitometry of the Spine and Femur
Rajesh Patel, MSC, Glen M Blake, PHD, Anita Jefferies, BSC,
Paul M. Sautereau-Chandley, BSC, and lgnac Fogelman, MD
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Guy’s Hospital, London, UK; and Merck Sharpe
& Dohme Ltd, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, UK
Because of the perceived high cost of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) studies of the spine and femur, there is renewed interest in small, low-cost X-ray devices for scanning the peripheral skeleton. We have compared forearm bone mineral density (BMD) measurements (distal and ultradistal sites) performed on a DTX-200 (Osteometer MediTech, Hoersholm, Denmark) with spine (Ll-L4) and femur (femoral neck and total hip sites) scans performed on a QDR-4500 (Hologic, Waltham, MA) in 172 white UK women aged 22-84 yr with a view to establishing differences caused by inconsistent reference ranges and different age-related changes in BMD. All BMDs were expressed as T-scores using the manufacturers’ reference ranges for the forearm and spine, and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) ranges for the femur. Linear regression between peripheral and axial sites gave correlation coefficients r = 0.71–0.74 and roof mean standard errors (RMSE) 0.88–1.14 in J-score units. Subjects were divided into the following five age groups: <40 yr; 40–49 yr; 50–59 yr; 60–69 yr and ≥70 yr. A large systematic difference between distal and ultradistal T-scores (mean AT= 0.59, SEM = 0.05) was found affecting all age groups. When the mean difference in T-score between each forearm site (distal, ultradistal) and each axial site (spine, femoral neck, total hip) was examined for premenopausal subjects (n = 58) the mean difference between forearm and axial T-score showed a consistent negative offset (AT = –0.41 to –0.48) for the distal forearm site and a consistent positive offset (AT = t0.30 to t0.37) for the ultradistal site. When interpreting results in postmenopausal women, age-related T-score changes in the forearm were in close agreement with the femoral neck region of interest (ROI), but systematic differences were found between the forearm and the spine and total hip sites. The two forearm and three axial sites were compared to evaluate the number of postmenopausal subjects identified as osteoporotic on the basis of the World Health Organization (WHO) Study Group criteria (T-score <–2.5). Although forearm and spine T-scores identified approximately equal numbers of subjects as osteoporotic (distal 38/114; ultradistal 31/114; spine 30/114), the two femur sites identified fewer subjects as osteoporotic (femoral neck 25/114; total hip 16/114). The number for the total hip site was statistically significantly smaller than the spine and forearm sites. In conclusion, we have identified systematic differences between T-score results for a peripheral and an axial DXA device that may have a significant effect on the interpretation of BMD measurements.
Over the past decade, the growing awareness of the effects of osteoporosis on the elderly population (1) and the consequent costs of health care (2) have stimulated a rapid growth in the clinical applications of bone densitometry (3). With its advantages of high precision, low radiation dose, and stable calibration, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scanning of the spine and hip has become an essential part of the evaluation of patients at risk of osteoporosis. Bone mineral density (BMD) measurements are performed to detect low bone mass and therefore, assess the risk of fragility fracture to help make decisions on initiating preventive treatment and to evaluate response to treatment. By allowing intervention with preventive treatment in patients at the highest risk, bone densitometry may help reduce future fracture incidence by up to 50% (4).
Although the number of clinics providing bone densitometry services has increased, there are inadequate resources to meet demand, and conventional DXA scans of the spine and hip are not available to all patients who could conceivably benefit. However, osteoporosis is a systemic disease, and it has been shown that the risk of fracture can be assessed from BMD measurements obtained at peripheral sites (5-7). Because of the perceived high cost of DXA for axial measurements, in recent years, there has been a renewed interest in small, low-cost X-ray absorptiometry devices dedicated to scanning the peripheral skeleton (3, 8). Such systems are compact, simple to operate, and result in an exceptionally low radiation dose to the patient.
Originally, bone densitometry of the forearm was performed using the technique of single-photon absorptiometry (SPA), which utilized a radioactive 125I source. However, following the technical advances in DXA, an X-ray tube with a low-voltage generator has replaced the radionuclide source, avoiding the need for frequent source replacement and recalibration, which was a serious drawback of SPA. Examination times for acquiring a projectional scan of the distal forearm that allows the measurement of BMD at both trabecular and cortical sites have been reduced to around 4-5 min. This methodology is usually referred to as peripheral DXA (pDXA).
In this study, pDXA measurements of BMD in the distal forearm were compared with conventional DXA measurements of the lumbar spine and femur in a group of white UK women. The object of the study was to compare the agreement between the interpretation of forearm DXA measurements with DXA of the spine and femur. Differences between measurements in the peripheral and axial skeleton might reflect inconsistencies in reference data (i.e., in the mean BMD and standard deviation [SD] for young normal subjects) or site-dependent differences in the variation of BMD with age. The object of this study was to characterize these differences and determine the degree of concordance between forearm and spine and hip DXA measurements.
Subjects and Method
Forearm BMD measurements at the distal and ultradistal sites were performed in the nondominant arm in 172 white UK women scanned using a DTX-200 pDXA system (Osteomerer MediTech). Scans were performed in duplicate with repositioning of the patients forearm between measurements. Conventional DXA scans of the lumbar spine (Ll-L4) and left proximal femur were performed using a Hologic QDR-4500 system (Hologic). One hundred forty-six subjects (mean age 59.6, range 38-84 yr) were patients referred by their general practitioner for a routine bone densitometry investigation. The remaining 26 subjects were young healthy premenopausal women (mean age30.8, range 22-38 yr) recruited to give data over a wider range of ages. The study was approved by the local research ethics committee.
BMD results from the following skeletal sites were recorded: lumbar spine (L1-L4), femoral neck, total hip, distal (radius plus ulna), and ultradistal forearm (radius only). The distal site is defined as the 24-mm long section of bone immediately proximal to the reference line where the separation between radius and ulna is 8 mm. It consists of 87% cortical bone and 13% trabecular bone. The ultradistal site is the area distal to the 8-mm reference line, and contains 45% cortical and 55% trabecular bone. All scan analysis was performed according to the manufacturers’ standard protocols. Forearm scans were analyzed using software version 1.54. The manufacturers’ reference ranges for the spine, distal, and ultradistal sites were used to convert the BMD results into T-score values according to the equation:
T-score = (Measured UMD – young adult mean BMD/young adult SD) (1)
Reference range data based on the NHANES III study (9) were used to calculate T-score values for the femoral neck and total hip sites. The manufacturers’ reference range for the spine was used to convert the BMD results for this site into 2-score values according to the equation:
Z-score = (Measured BMD – age-matched BMD/age-matched SD) (2)
Linear regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between the distal and ultradistal T-scores, and between each of the two forearm sites and each of the three axial sites for all 172 subjects.
Short-term precision of the distal and ultradistal BMD measurements was calculated as the coefficient of variation (CV = [SD/mean] × 100). Results for individual patients were combined as the root mean square (RMS) CV (10).
To investigate the consistency between T-score values for the distal and ultradistal sites, the subjects were divided into the following five age groups: <40 yr; 40–49 yr; 50–59 yr; 60–69 yr, and ≥70 yr, and the mean difference between the ultradistal and distal T-scores was plotted for each age group.
To investigate the consistency between the reference data for the forearm and axial sites, the mean difference among distal forearm T-score, ultradistal T-score, and the T-score for each of the three axial sites (spine, femoral neck, and total hip) was examined for the premenopausal women in the study. The statistical significance of the mean T-score difference between each pair of sites was evaluated using Student’s t-test. Premenopausal women were chosen for the comparison on the assumption that age-related BMD losses since the attainment of peak bone mass should be minimal. To test this latter assumption, linear regression analysis was performed between T-score and age for all five measurement sites for the premenopausal women.
To investigate the different age- and menopause-related changes in T-score at the different skeletal sites, the postmenopausal women were divided into age groups according to decade and the mean difference in T-score between each forearm site and each axial site plotted as a function of age group. Statistical significance of the difference from the mean T-score difference for the premenopausal women was tested using Student’s t-test.
Finally, the forearm and axial T-scores were used to evaluate the number of postmenopausal subjects identified as osteoporotic at each site on the basis of the World Health Organization (WHO) Study Group criteria (T-score <–2.5) (11). The statistical significance of the differences in the number of osteoporotic subjects at each measurement site was evaluated using Fisher’s exact test. All statistical evaluations were performed using a commercial software package (Stata, College Station, TX).
The number of subjects in each of the five age groups is shown in Table 1 together with the mean 2-score for the lumbar spine and the mean T-score for all five sites studied in each age band. Results of linear, regression analysis between the distal and ultradistal T-scores gave a correlation coefficient of r = 0.92 (root mean standard error [RMSE]. σT = 0.68). Results of linear regression analysis between the distal and ultradistal forearm T-scores and T-scores derived from measurements at the three axial sites (Hologic spine, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey [NHANES] femoral neck and NHANES total hip) gave correlation coefficients of r = 0.71–0.74 and RMSE of σT = 0.88–1.14. Precision of the forearm BMD measurements gave a coefficient of variation of 1.55% for the distal site and 2.99% for the ultradistal site. When expressed as the RMSD of the T-score figures, the precision was σT = 0.11 for the distal and σT = 0.21 for the ultradistal site.
When the mean difference ultradistal T-score-distal T-score was plotted as a function of age group, large and highly statistically significant systematic differences (δT= 0.43–0.71) were evident for all five age groups (Fig. 1). When the mean difference in T-score between each forearm site (distal, ultradistal) and each axial site (spine, femoral neck, total hip) was examined for the premenopausal subjects (n = 58), the mean difference between forearm and axial T-score showed a consistent negative offset (AT= –0.41 to–0.48) for the distal forearm site and a consistent positive offset (AT= +0.30 to +0.37) for the ultradistal site (Fig. 2). All the differences were highly statistically significant (p = 0.039 to p = 0.0004). When linear regression plots between T-score and age were examined for the same subjects, the slopes were small (AT= +0.05 to –0.31/p decade), and nor statistically significantly different from 0 at any of the five measurement sites (Table 2).
When the postmenopausal women (n = 114) were divided into age groups according to decade and the mean difference in T-score between each forearm site and each axial site plotted as a function of age group with the data for the premenopausal women, recognizable trends were evident for both the distal and ultradistal data, indicating systematic differences in age-related changes between forearm and the different axial sites (Fig. 3A-C). The numerical values of the mean differences in forearm and axial T-score shown in Fig. 3 are summarized in Table 3together with the standard error of the mean (SEM) and population SD. The SD figures in Table 3 indicate the limits of agreement when results for forearm T-score are used to predict T-score figures for sites in the axial skeleton. For premenopausal women, the SD values are all about 1.0. This gives 95% confidence intervals of approx ±2 for predicting axial T-score values from forearm measurements. For postmenopausal women, SD values, and therefore the limits of agreement, are lightly larger than for premenopausal women, and show a trend to increase with age.
The two forearm and three axial sites were compared to evaluate the number of postmenopausal subject identified as osteoporotic on the basis of the WHO Study Group criteria (T-score < –2.5) (Table 2). The results show that although forearm and spine T-scores identified approximately equal number of subjects as osteoporotic (distal 38/114; ultradistal 31/114; spine 30/114), the two femur sites identified fewer subjects as osteoporotic (femoral neck 25/114; total hip 16/114). The number for the total hip site was statistically significantly smaller than the spine and forearm sites (Table 2).
The introduction of new commercial devices for performing BMD measurements in the peripheral skeleton raises a number of legitimate concerns. First, since few centers providing a bone densitometry service have the resources to generate their own normative data, the accuracy of reference ranges provided by manufacturers for the calculation of T-score is often essential to the validity of the clinical interpretation of scans. This is an issue that continues to generate controversy, even for established densitometer systems that have been in use for many years (12, 13).
A second source of concern over using peripheral rather than axial measurement sites is that different effects of aging and the menopause at different sites might cause systematic discrepancies in scan interpretation in older subjects. Thus, although use of consistent young adult reference data should ensure agreement across manufacturers and sites for T-score results in younger (premenopausal) women, significant differences might nevertheless still arise for postmenopausal women and cause differences in the number of patients diagnosed as osteoporotic, and offered preventive treatment.
The object of the present study was to compare the agreement between T-score results from a new pDXA densitometer with a well-established and widely used instrument for measuring spine and femur BMD. Premenopausal and postmenopausal women over a wide range of ages were studied to differentiate between differences arising from inconsistencies in the manufacturers' reference ranges and those arising from different age-related changes at the different skeletal sites. The subjects were all white women referred by their general practitioners for bone mass measurements of the spine and femur, and who volunteered to have an additional scan on the DTX-200. To obtain data over a wider age range, numbers were augmented by volunteers from hospital staff and staff from local health centers. No attempt was made to exclude women with risk factors for osteoporosis. Although the mean 2-score for lumbar spine BMD was negative at each age group (Table l), the overall mean 2-score (–0.10 ± 0.14) was not statistically significantly different from 0. Therefore, we believe that on the basis of their BMD results, the women in the present study were statistically indistinguishable from normal subjects.
As would be expected for adjacent sites, T-score results for the distal and ultradistal regions of interest (ROIs) were highly correlated. Correlation coefficients between the two forearm sites and the three axial sites were aroundr ≈ 0.7 and were typical of the values expected between distant sites in the skeleton (14).
An unexpected result of this study was a highly significant systematic difference between T-score results for the distal and ultradistal sites (Fig. 1). To investigate this discrepancy T-score differences between the forearm and axial sites were examined for premenopausal women (Fig. 2). Age-related rates of loss in these women were negligible (Table 2), suggesting that they were representative of the young adult population used to define peak bone mass. The findings were consistent for all three axial sites, with the distal ROI showing a mean T-score difference of –0.45 and the ultradistal a mean difference of +0.32 (Fig. 2). This result points to a significant discrepancy between the DTX-200 reference data and the NHANES femur reference range (9), which has recently been recommended by the International Committee for Standards in Bone Measurement (ICSBM) as the basis for the interpretation of hip BMD measurements (15).
When the effects of aging and the menopause on the differences between forearm and axial site T-scores in postmenopausal women were investigated, systematic differences from the results for premenopausal women were noted to be suggestive of different age-related changes at different sites (Fig. 3). The difference between postmenopausal women aged 50-59 yr and premenopausal women is consistent with more rapid bone loss in the spine than the forearm following the menopause (Fig. 3A). For older subjects, the difference was reversed, probably because of the increasing effects of degenerative disease on spine BMD in elderly subjects. For the femoral neck site there was close agreement with forearm T-score across all age ranges (Fig. 3B), whereas for the total hip site, the differences seen were suggestive of lower age-related losses than in the forearm (Fig. 3C). Tables of T-score differences, such as those listed in Table 3 could be used to correct peripheral measurements and thus ensure consistency with treatment decisions based on results for axial sites. However, it is important to bear in mind that some clinical conditions may lead to significant bone mineral losses from axial sites that would not be predicted from peripheral measurements.
Another important consequence of changing skeletal measurement site is that a different group of patients will be identified as osteoporotic on the basis of the WHO Study Group criteria. As a consequence, the number of patients thought to be osteoporotic may also change. Because the WHO criteria define osteoporosis as a T-score result < –2.5, a difference in the number of subjects identified as osteoporotic at different sites may reflect either errors in reference range data or differences in age-related losses between measurement sites.
The principal limitation of the present study was that the subjects were not randomly selected from the general population. Twenty-six out of 58 premenopausal women were either hospital staff or volunteers from local health clinics. The remaining patients were referred by their general practitioners for bone densitometry studies for reasons that included help in deciding whether to start estrogen- replacement therapy, family history of osteoporosis, and radiological evidence of osteopenia. However, the mean Z-score figures (Table 1) were consistent with data from age-marched normal subjects included in earlier reference range studies conducted in our unit (13, 16).
In conclusion, we have shown that systematic differences in T-score between BMD measurements in premenopausal women on the DTX-200 and the Hologic spine and NHANES hip T-scores are strongly suggestive of errors in the DTX-200 reference data. When interpreting results in postmenopausal women, age-related T-score changes in the forearm were in close agreement with the femoral neck ROI, but systematic differences were found between the forearm and the spine and total hip sites. When patients were classified as osteoporotic on the basis of the WHO Study Group criteria, the number of patients identified as osteoporotic on the basis of forearm T-score was similar to the spine, but rather greater than the femoral neck and total hip sites.
The authors are grateful to Merck, Sharpe & Dohme Lrd for the loan of the DTX-200 forearm scanner.
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Impact of Soft Tissue on In Vivo Accuracy of Bone Mineral Measurements in the Spine